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- From: "Dr. Richard. X. Frager" <smcqueen@cyberhighway.net>
- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.visitors,alt.alien.research,sci.skeptic
- Subject: Orgone Energy Accumulator/Extraterrestrial Technology is Here NOW!
- Date: 8 Jun 1996 05:08:39 GMT
- Organization: Fragers Molecular Robotics and Nanotechnology
- Lines: 120
- Message-ID: <4pb1sn$43r@host-3.cyberhighway.net>
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- Orgone Energy Accumulator
- A N N O U N C I N G
- Weekend Workshops on the Orgone Energy Accumulator
- 20-21 July 1996:
- The Orgone Energy Accumulator: History, Construction and Use
- Covering the following general topics:
- * Wilhelm Reich╣s Discovery of the Orgone Energy.
- * Orgone Biophysics; laboratory demonstration of
- orgone energy experiments.
- * Discovery of life energy by scientists other than Reich.
- * Hands-on construction of orgone blankets and accumulators.
- * Open discussion of best materials and
- effective use of accumulating devices.
- * Discussion of medical use of orgone accumulator overseas, in Germany and
- other nations.
- Instructors: James DeMeo, Ph.D. and Theirrie Cook, B.A.
- demonstrations, slides, handouts.
- In the 1950s, Dr. Wilhelm Reich published a series of books and research
- journals documenting the existence of a unique biological energy (called
- *orgone*), and the construction of a very simple, inexpensive and
- passive device by which this same energy could be accumulated from the
- atmosphere. The orgone accumulator was observed to increase the growth
- of plants and the healing of tissues, while subjective reactions among
- test subjects indicated an increased vigor and resistance to disease
- (immunity).
- Microscopic observation of blood indicated serological
- changes towards more alive and healthy conditions among seriously ill
- persons who regularly sat in the accumulator. Reich's milestone papers
- on this discovery were published and verified by his associates, but the
- discovery was nearly lost to the world when the McCarthy-era Food and
- Drug Administration obtained a court order, banning from interstate
- transportation and actually *burning* copies of all books which
- contained the forbidden word "orgone". Book-burning actually was
- carried out by FDA agents in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
- Fortunately, copies of the original works survived, and many have been
- republished.
- Many new studies have been undertaken and published,
- including peer-reviewed, double-blind and controlled studies. In
- Germany, the orgone accumulator is openly used by physicians for
- experimental cancer therapy, and many anecedotal reports exist of
- anomalous spontaneous remissions and other kinds of healing phenomenon
- following orgone accumulator therapy.
- This workshop on the Orgone
- Energy Accumulator will be led by James DeMeo, Ph.D., author of the
- popular "Orgone Accumulator Handbook", and by Theirrie Cook, founder and
- former owner of the "Orgonics" company. Participants will get a
- complete overview of the history and theoretical background of Reich's
- discovery of the orgone energy, as well as practical, hands-on
- experience in the construction and experimental use of several different
- types of accumulators. Some laboratory demonstrations of orgone energy
- phenomenon will also be given.
- Second in a Series: │Greensprings 1996▓
- Building Upon the Discoveries of the Late Dr. Wilhelm Reich
- Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
- ( http://id.mind.net/community/orgonelab/index.htm )
- A Non-Profit Science Research and Educational Foundation,
- Since 1978.
- Greensprings Center, PO Box 1148, Ashland, Oregon, 97520 USA
- James DeMeo, Ph.D., Director <demeo@mind.net>
- More Information: A four-page descriptive brochure is available, along
- with speaker biographies, a list of nearby motels, inns, restaurants,
- and other facilities. The area is loaded with recreational attractions
- and beautiful natural wonders. Call, write, fax or e-mail for more
- information.
- Times: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM each day, Saturday and Sunday.
- Where: At the new O.B.R.L. Greensprings Center,
- 20 miles east of Ashland, Oregon in the forests of the Siskiyou
- Mountains.
- A street address and map will be sent to all registrants.
- Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
- Greensprings, PO Box 1148, Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA
- 541/ 552-0118 telephone/fax
- e-mail to: demeo@mind.net
- ************************************************
- Other forthcoming workshops
- (inquire for details, or visit the OBRL web site at:
- http://id.mind.net/community/orgonelab/index.htm )
- 3-4 August 1996:
- Laboratory Workshop on Bions and the Reich Blood Test
- 28-29 September 1996:
- Seminar on Drought, Desert and Forest Death
- To obtain a complete set of descriptive flyers and
- a detailed Seminar/Workshop announcement, plus our
- 22-page unusual science book and product catalog,
- send us your complete postal mailing address.
- │Love, work and knowledge are the wellsprings of our lives,
- they should also govern it▓ - Wilhelm Reich
- ************************************************
- Be there or be nowhere.
- Live and learn.